you will find all of our old news items.
Reader's Choice Awards |
7, 2007
Games is very proud to announce that we have won the Wargamer
Reader's Choice Award for Game of the Year 2006! Wow, that's
amazing! Thanks to the Wargamer and especially to our
community for granting us this honor.
Games also tied for Developer of the Year and got chosen as the
2nd best Wargame of the Year 2006.
could not have done this without our awesome community and also
our great test/development team that allowed TC2M to rise to this
Nominations |
7, 2007
has released their nominations for the 2006 Reader's Choice
Games has been nominated by The Wargamer to compete for the
The Wargamer's Best Developer of 2006
Command: Second Manassas game has been nominated by The Wargamer
to compete for the following:
The Wargamer's Best Wargame of 2006
The Wargamer's Best Game of 2006
been nominated for the following:
The Wargamer's Best Publisher of 2006
to the entire MadMinute Team and to all of our players. Take
Command is a team effort and we owe a lot of thanks to a lot of
people. Our first game Civil War Bull Run won some of these
awards, we think that 2nd Manassas is better, so if you feel the
same way please
Mod Section Split |
24, 2007
an effort to keep the new maps simpler for our users, we have
split the map mod section into two parts. We have asked the
map modders to provide two versions of their maps. One map
version is for those users that have not installed the SDK or do
not want to edit the csv files. You will just have to
download the map file and unzip it into the maps folder.
That's it. The other version will be for more advanced users
that have the SDK installed and are comfortable with editing the
csv files.
has provided the first version of his Gettysburg Map. Users
without the SDK can now download and install Gettysburg without
ever having to edit the csv files. Please see the mods
page for this new version. Thanks Davinci!
Map |
31, 2007
Raider presents Antietam, posted
on the mods page.
Map |
30, 2007
has published our first community map since we have opened up the
map modding with the latest patch. All maps will be posted
on the mods page.
Receives End of Year Award |
10, 2007
Armchair General has chosen TC2M as it's runner up for the best
wargame of 2006. Read about it here.
Other Language Patches |
7, 2006
French, and Spanish have been released. They are on the Support
English Patch 3 |
1, 2006
new patch has been released. The version is on the Support
Review |
7, 2006
been meaning to post this for a while now, but haven't got around
to it. We got a great review from the guys at Civil
War Interactive. Thanks for taking the time to really get
into the game.
Generals |
31, 2006
added a new section on the TC2M Buzz page that is the list of
players that have completed the game. Have a look. It also contains
a very cool MMG car design by Kevin Grelle.
2 Mirrors |
18, 2006
have a bunch of new mirrors for the second patch.
Thanks to Strategy Informer, FileFront, Worth Playing,
and SoftPedia for hosting our patch.
2 is Up! |
14, 2006
MMG has been working hard and is happy to bring you the 2nd
and final (hopefully) patch for Take Command - 2nd Manassas.
Please note that the patch includes all fixes from the first
patch. Get the patch here. Here's
a list of features:
Added a new walk command for modders if they want to use this
capability on their toolbar mods.
b. The following commands are now supported in Open Play ini
The TimeOfDay command allows you to change the appearance
of the sky in Open Play to day, dawn/dusk, or night (TimeOfDay=0,
1, or 2 respectively). If you don?t want your commander to
die during game play, then use the CantKillMe command. If
you want to try out the Headquarters in the Saddle (HITS)
mode of play, then use CommandHeight=10 and CommandRadius=5.
This will restrict your view to what your commander could
actually see "from the saddle" during Open Play. If you want
to try out any of these new commands, make the appropriate
entries in all of the ini files contained in the Open Play
folder of the main game directory. The appropriate one will
be copied to level.ini before an Open Play scenario starts
and these commands will affect game play as outlined above.
The following fixes were applied in this patch:
Corrected improper grammar in scenario End Screen messages.
2. Corrected typo on Open Play screen.
3. Fixed Highlight strings on the OB page that were not being
4. Scenario End Screen score and text now displays correctly.
5. Fixed issue with scenario End Screen disappearing and causing
scenarios to appear as if they would never end.
6. Fixed Pause game bug - esc key still opening toolbar menu.
7. Moved the location of the completed objective ?X? on the
officer?s popup display.
8. Fixed Map Modding - modified csv, dds, and tga map files
can now be read from a Custom Scenario folder.
9. Fixed Open Play VP clock countdown on the mini map.
10. Added new Compass graphic with larger direction arrow
so it is easier to see and use.
11. Enhanced button highlights for the Confederates so they
are easier to see.
12. Changed double quick buttons; the Arun highlight has been
removed as it was confusing to many players.
13. Changed the Arun command to not be a toggle between run
and walk. The run command will now only run and will not toggle
to walk.
14. Added missing low res flag graphic that showed up during
game play as white block.
15. Fixed incorrect artillery graphic in the 2M Open Play
16. Fixed issue with Wavering troops not retreating.
17. Fixed issue with Broken Prone troops not retreating when
required to do so.
18. Fixed issue with charging units not completing their charge.
19. Reduced the likelihood of cavalry retreating after suffering
20. Fixed issue with cavalry commanders falling behind their
21. Fixed issue with dismounted cavalry that did not appear
to be firing or repositioning even with status showing as
'engaged' and with valid targets in range.
22. Fixed artillery units not resupplying when out of canister
23. Fixed No Retreat when out of ammo.
24. Fixed a unit drawing issue that was caused by units popping
in and out of line of sight.
25. All scenarios now provide the player the opportunity to
gain sufficient points for promotions.
26. Fixed scenario SM12 - 29 Aug - Pender (C_Brig); Confederate
AI Commanders will no longer "steal" VPs from Player.
27. Fixed issue with carryover strengths not adding up correctly
due to the presence of "hidden units" in some scenarios.
Review |
12, 2006
at Paradox just sent me a link to a nice review in my hometown
paper. Check out the Philadelphia
Inquirer review. I don't know if this made it to print
in the paper or not. It would be cool to have a copy.
are finishing up the patch. It's got some great stuff and
fixes all known bugs. We are currently working on the logistics
of rolling it out. Should be very soon.
are also finishing up work on the Spanish and French versions
of the game. We are worldwide. If you are from a country not
respresented, you've got to get on the butt of a publisher
or distributor from your country to contact Paradox. I am
pretty sure that Russian is already in the plans.
and I have pretty much decided on the content of the next
game and the major feature set. Nothing public yet, but it
will be very cool.
27, 2006
honestly did not think that it would happen, but we were wrong
and very happily surprised when we received the first email
from the first player to crack the game. All 48 scenarios
finished, all promotion grades achieved. We were so blown
away, we asked for a little history on how Gary was able to
finish the entire thing.
name is Gary Knowlton and I am currently employed by the US
government. Recently, I was the lucky recipient of an all-expense-paid
tour of Iraq to inspect potentially hazardous facilities throughout
the nation. Having been to Iraq in a similar capacity before,
I understood the deadly risks and boredom which Americans
in Iraq can endure. Opting to hide away in my hotel rooms
and isolated from the internet and most communication to the
outside world, I brought with me approximately 20 DVDs and
Mad Minute Games: Take Command ? 2nd Manassas to play on my
personal laptop. Hopefully, I thought, I would be kept busy
with work wherein I would not run out of things to do. As
Providence would have it, I wasn?t kept very busy and had
seemingly endless downtime. Settling into my fate, I began
to play the game. You know, it takes something very special
to keep me interested for a long period of time. Most games
I get sick of after a week or so. I literally never once got
tired of the game the entire month or so I was there. Well?okay?my
HAND got tired after playing for several hours, but I found
myself even then plotting my strategies. Overall, I started
to look forward to down times rather than dread them. This
game really does have the uncanny ability to draw the player
into the battles and captivate them. Even today, two months
later and surrounded by every amenity I could ever want, I
still find myself as enthusiastic about the game as the first
time I played. And that, in my opinion, is the best compliment
that can ever be given.
Command?2nd Manassas *is* bar none the best 19th century battle
simulator ever created. The best $40 I ever spent. I look
forward to any future releases. Thank you MadMinute Games.
Gary Knowlton
Gary and we hope that you liked your prize.
26, 2006
has done most of the writing for a while now, so when Tacticular
Cancer asked for an article about Indie development, I
though it about time to throw my hand into the PR stuff.
case you don't read our boards, we've decided that we want
to do another patch. There are a few things that we really
want to clear up before moving ahead to our next project.
We are not in a rush right now to get it done, but we are
working on some things and compiling our list.
17, 2006
overhauled the SDK and have added a bunch of new features.
Here's a run down:
Contains all of the source files to all of our scenarios.
Our source files are very easily readable .csv files. No programming
skill is necessary.
2. Allows you to change almost any aspect of the game,
you could make it look like a completely different game if
you wanted to. You can add your own uniforms, toolbar, scenarios,
formations, explosions, artwork, weapon types, fonts, skill
levels, sounds, names, mod yourself into the scenarios, screens,
and change aspects of the game that affect all scenarios.
3. WarPack tool will compress a scenario folder into
an easily distributable .mmg file so that you can share your
WarEdit tool will allow you to edit our .csv files in case
you do not have your own spreadsheet program.
5. We are releasing .jpg files of all of our maps.
6. A Developer's Guide (almost 100 pages, but English
7. Our master 2nd Manassas OOB .xls file
8. A sample .xls template for creating OOB's
9. blank templates of all of our main scenario .csv
the English SDK
the German SDK
Been Pilfered! |
9, 2006
a big FYI. There is a TC2MSDK.zip showing up on file sites.
This is a test copy that we are working on. It has a big bug.
This was not meant for release. So don't get it because it
does not work. Please continue to use the one off your CDs
until we have all of the bugs worked out. The one on the CDs
should still work fine.
I've been posting all of our reviews on the review page. There
are a lot of them. We just got a good one from Gamespot. So
if your still wondering about the game, download the demo
and read the reviews.
Patch |
2, 2006
first, and hopefully last, patch for TC2M is up. We are hosting
both the English and German patches, they are different.
patch fixes the hideous error on the German version that makes
the text unreadable on some video cards. We apologize to all
German purchasers for this bug. I hope that this will not
keep you from enjoying our games. We want to extend a large
amount of thanks to Mario Derwand who worked very closely
with us to make sure that the German version was fixed. We
also want to thank David Hawken for proving to us that there
actually was an artillery capture bug.
the list of fixes:
1. Jackson sprite in Gibbon scenario was replaced with proper
Jackson specific sprite.
2. Fixed bug in German version where the text color was transparent.
If you still have this problem, make sure that you have the
latest version of DirectX 9C installed.
3. Fixed an error where you could not specify which type of
ammunition for your artillery to use.
4. Fixed the English Version of the Division Tutorial, sometime
the units would not react based on the player's actions.
5. Fixed the English Bug where the game would hang if you
chose a grayed out carryover scenario on the battles screen
and then hit the check mark.
6. Added early win conditions to the scenarios so that you
don't have to wait around if you've beaten the scenario early.
7. Fixed a bug where the Cavalry Brigade Officer marched slower
than the rest of his regiment.
8. Fixed a bug where arty could not be captured if all of
the Division's Arty Officers were detached.
9. Fixed typo in OOB's. Augur is listed as CO of 2nd Div (II
Corps, AoV) in units.csv but shows up as CO 3rd Division in
10. Removed some csv files from the scenario mmg files. This
will allow more modifications to make their way into our stock
scenarios accessed through the Battles screens. Your toolbar,
sound, and sprites modifications will now be present in our
11. Switch 28th Mass to use Irish Flag.
12. Added 2nd Florida to the 2nd Manassas Open Play OOB.
also threw in the ability to change resolution, it's not perfect,
so we don't officially support it. But since we could do it
and people wanted it, there was no reason not to have it.
CD Version Patch
CD Version Patch
Award for Excellence |
28, 2006
Games is very proud to have received the Wargamer
Award for Excellence for Take Command - 2nd Manassas.
This award means a lot the team here at MMG, it's from Wargamers
to Wargamers. We are very excited by this announcement and
their continued support.
Buzz |
24, 2006
the August issue of Military Heritage there will be a preview
of TC2M. Adam has an interview over at Tactical
a quick note about stores. It takes a while for the game to
show up in stores. Since we are not a AAA title, they all
take their time getting us to their stores and placing us
on their shelves. So if you hate ordering online and don't
mind waiting, just give us a week or two and you'll see us
on some local store shelves. If you don't want to wait, there
are some great places to order online right now. You can even
download the game from Paradox and have it instantly.
Buzz |
21, 2006
are all over the net. Paradox is doing an excellent job marketing
the game. I've created a new page to handle all of the content.
There is a new review up from NetJak. Our forums are jumping,
so come by and say hi. It's a great place to post if you have
any questions about how to play, or are having technical issues.
is the Official Release Date of TC2M |
18, 2006
many people have already received the game. Many people that
preordered from Paradox have already gotten the game, Paradox
also has the direct download purchase option working, and
NWS is currently shipping out all of their preorders. We should
also be showing up in some stores soon. The preliminary list
is:AAFES, Amazon, Circuit City, CompUSA, Fry's Electronics,
Gamestop, Hastings Hyperactive, and Micro Center.
are a bunch of new reviews, previews, and interviews posted
on the left. Adam has been working hard to get the word out,
but Paradox has been working even harder. They have done a
great job of letting the world know about TC2M. We can't wait
to see how we sell in Europe. A German version is already
completed and hopefully we'll be getting some more languages
finalized. Paradox has us all over the place, the publicity
is excellent. Now we can just hope that the world likes our
Goes Gold |
16, 2006
know I'm late, I was taking a week off before the release
for a little relaxation. Going gold means that Paradox has
accepted our release and has stated that it is ready for publication.
But it's gone even further because I have some games and they
look awesome. The manual is amazing, the guys did an awesome
job. I still have not read it all, but it's a must have. Although
you get a digital copy if you buy direct download, I have
to say that you'll be missing out. The box is very cool, Paradox
got some original artwork and it looks great. There's also
a poster, that also looks great, I'm going to have to get
one framed.
ton has gone on in the last week, some reviews have been posted.
Some are great, some are so so, and some you have to wonder
if they even played the game. But we'll list them all, even
those that we don't understand.
did a great developer
diary and Wrangler
has his mod site up. The forums are buzzing. Everyone
seems very excited. Let's hope for a clean release, it's only
two days away.
German Demo |
5, 2006
you can't speak English, then I guess that you can't read
this, but if you would rather try our demo in German, then
a link. TC2M will definitely be released using the German
language in many countries. We plan on adding more languages
as the deals to distribute in those countries come through.
German Site |
3, 2006
upcoming German release of TC2M has spawned a German site.
Thanks for the help. Please check
it out and let me know if they are saying good or bad
stuff about the game :)
Demo |
20, 2006
Take Command - 2nd Manassas Demo is now available for download:
includes high and normal res sprites, but does not include
all of the uniforms varieties. It has the brigade and division
tutorial as well as the Gibbons scenario. There is no open
play. I think that it does a great job of representing the
game. We took a lot of peoples advice and didn't give away
the farm while still trying to do the game justice. Based
on the scenarios there are only 2 maps shipping with the demo.
We are very excited to have everyone play with the high res
sprites, but you'll have to wait until you get your copies
of the final game to see Jackson sucking on his lemon.
Great Info From Paradox |
24, 2006
by Fredrik on our Forums in response to a question about where
the game will be available:
following territories are covered so far:
the US/Canada
Germany (+Austria/Switzerland)
The UK/Ireland
working on:
France (close to an agreement...)
will be able to find the demo in magazines in Sweden, Germany,
France and a few other markets as well. The game will be available
in our web shop (paradoxshop.com) and for download (paradoxondemand.com).
The US box will be a mini-box with flap and the European boxes
will be "slip cases" (DVD case + manual in a paper box). I
hope this answers some of the questions that you have.
Awards |
22, 2006
first game has been awarded The Wargamer Reader's Choice Gold
Award for best wargame of 2005. MadMinute Games has been awarded
The Wargamer Reader's Choice Silver Award for best developer
of 2005. Links are to the left. Thanks to the Wargamer and
their Readers.
CWBR is no longer available for sale, Take Command has
been much improved since CWBR. The new version will be available
in April this year in Take Command - 2nd Manassas.
from the Wargamer Reader's Choice Awards:
the end, 2005 belonged to two games and two companies. Civilization
IV proved that sequels can be successful bringing an old concept
back to life, provided they're cared for by the right people
(Sid Meier). Civil War: Bull Run demonstrated the abilities
of even the smallest of developers, as grognards chose that
work as their Wargame of the Year despite its non-traditional
approach to the wargame genre. 2by3 Games managed to appeal
to two audiences that stretched across the entire demographics
of The Wargamer, from casual wargame player to the most hardcore
of titles. Finally, Matrix Games published not only volumes
of new work, but also signed quality future titles to its
rosters, promising plenty more to come in 2006.
Interview |
8, 2006
is over on the left in the Buzz section.
Best Budget Game of 2005 |
7, 2006
just got my copy of ComputerGames magazine and was very happy
to see that TC1861 (CWBR) was voted budget game of the year.
Too bad no one is publishing it anymore. The great news is
that TC2M is almost done and will be available soon and it's
got everything CWBR had and more.
Beta Preview |
6, 2006
Wargamer has done a preview on our beta of Take Command -
2nd Manassas. Here's the link The
It's a real good read.

have some new screenshots to pretty up the page, these are
the high res units which did not appear in our beta but will
be in the final game.
Civil War 1st Bull Run Take Command 1861 |
1, 2006
game is no longer being produced. This game was released under
a budget ware logo and needed to sell a lot of copies to remain
on store shelves. It did not. So AV is no longer producing it
to our knowledge. We could sell it ourselves but would have
to pay them a royalty. We just can't agree to the principal
of that. We can rewrite the game, but we want to move on.
you just played our demo and want to play our games, the wait
is very short. I expect a demo for our next game "Take
Command - 2nd Manassas" will be available in March. The
game will be released in April. This game is much better than
our first, it will be worth the wait. So please don't make some
guy on ebay rich in order to get a copy of CWBR. You only have
to wait a couple of months and you'll have a much better game.
another note. In order to make sure that we do not end up in
this situation again we have enlisted the help of Slitherine
Software to aid us in our business negotiations. Their advice
on business management and in assisting us to bring our Title
to a wider international market has proven invaluable.
Beta Is Closed |
5, 2006
you for all the participation. The logistics of this thing have
my head spinning. But it's closed, no more betas will be sent
out. We can finally go back to getting this thing localized,
which is a nightmare. Thanks again everyone, please check out
the forum to see how the testing is going.
Your Beta Emails In Now |
1, 2006
is the last day to get your beta emails in to MadMinute. We
will ship out the last beta to preorder customers today and
next week we will ship out the remaining ones to people that
have requested it on our forums. If you posted your name in
the "Didn't preorder but want the beta" forum, make
sure that you have followed the instructions there to have a
chance at getting the beta.
release - Paradox signs Civil War title |
29, 2005
Takes Command
Civil War strategy game to be published worldwide
December 29, 2005 ? Global publisher Paradox Interactive
announced today that they have added yet another major strategy
game title to their 2006 portfolio. Developed by MadMinute Games,
Take Command: 2nd Manassas explores the titular 1862 battle
of the American Civil War, which proved to be the pivotal engagement
of the Northern Virginia Campaign. The game is scheduled for
a worldwide release on April 18, and has a SRP of $39.99.
Command: 2nd Manassas is the latest game based on MadMinute
Games?s award-winning real-time game engine, which has been
hailed by many critics as the greatest tactical Civil War PC
engine of all time. While focusing on the essential elements
of decision-making, the player needs to Take Command or be overcome
by it.
detail within Take Command: 2nd Manassas is amazing, and strategy
gamers will get hours of gameplay out of this great release,?
said Fredrik W. Lindgren, Director of Publishing at Paradox
Interactive. ?MadMinute Games shares Paradox Interactive's passion
for quality strategy games and we are excited to finally be
able to include a Civil War game of this caliber to our portfolio."
Games is thrilled to be working with Paradox,? said Norb Timpko,
CEO MadMinute Games, Inc. ?We wanted someone that would let
the world know about the Take Command series and we feel that
we have found that in Paradox. With their history of successfully
publishing strategy titles, we feel that this is the perfect
· 48 Scenarios from the three most important battles of the
2nd Manassas Campaign
· Linked Scenario Tree, where results of one battle carry over
into the next
· 5 Gigantic battlefield maps based on historical records from
the Library of Congress; the most accurate American Civil War
battlefield maps available in a PC game
· 3 Modes of gameplay: Historical, Open Play, and Custom/User
Created Battles
· Control thousands of troops and direct them over 3D terrain
(including Generals, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Supply
· Accurate ballistics for weapons
· The ability to play as any leader in Custom/Open Play Battles
Paradox Interactive
Paradox Interactive has been a leading publisher and developer
of strategy games for the PC platform since 1999. Well-known
for their strategy titles, the company's distribution network
and followers span the globe. Paradox's experienced team has
completed more than 16 titles, including such best-selling games
as the Europa Universalis and Hearts of Iron franchises, as
well as Crusader Kings. Their latest worldwide PC release was
DIPLOMACY, the game of international intrigue.
Paradox website
MadMinute Games, Inc
MadMinute Games, Inc is a true "garage game" company. The company
was founded by two friends who, with minimal experience in the
gaming industry, worked at night and on weekends for three and
a half years to complete their initial project, Bull Run. Now
joined by a group of volunteer designers and testers, they've
soldiered on to produce MadMinute's second product, Take Command:
2nd Manassas. The MadMinute community is growing and the founders
hope to someday work on the "Take Command" series full-time.
Their combat engine has received excellent reviews and their
AI has been lauded in numerous publications, even by the difficult
to please "Grognards."
Madminute Games website
news on this topic and discussion
Announcement for TC2M & Preorders |
21, 2005
Games, Inc. would like to share some really exciting news with
you. For some weeks now we have been in intensive negotiations
with a major Publisher to release Take Command - 2nd Manassas
to a worldwide market through retail outlets. For obvious reasons
these discussions have been confidential, but negotiations are
now at an advanced stage and this week we have reached a preliminary
agreement, which allows us to release this information to you.
is a big step for us that will hopefully ensure the further
success of the series. We hope that you will be as excited as
we are. The only problem is that in order to tie in with their
release schedule we have to delay shipping the game. We are
really sorry about this and don't like to let anyone down but
this is necessary to allow them to get the marketing right and
to support the game properly. The box released by the publisher
will include a nicer box than we could create. There is also
a good chance that it will contain a printed manual and may
contain other goodies. We felt that if we did ship our release
then those receiving it would have felt let down when the publisher?s
product came out.
just hope that you, our most loyal supporters will support us
in this decision, and we would like to enlist your help one
more time, by checking out the final beta. We are only releasing
this to those people that have preordered the game. It will
contain some modes of open play and some scenarios, but will
not include the high-resolution sprites and will not be moddable.
It should keep you busy for a while.
The release date is effected by a number of things but looks
like it will be early Q2 2006.
at NWS has very graciously agreed to email every single person
that preordered the instructions for obtaining this beta. You
should be receiving an email within the next two weeks. Since
all pre orders are through NWS and not through MadMinute Games,
you will have to work out the details with them. They have agreed
to handle your preorder money however you want; we hope that
you will carry it over until the publisher's game is released.
They have also assured me that any difference in cost will be
applied to store credit, shipping charges, etc.
No more preorders will be accepted for this pre beta program.
This is only available to those that already preordered the
game. We have told the publisher the importance we place on
these preorders and will do all that we can to make sure that
you receive your games as soon as they are available.
was not an easy decision to make, but we have been speaking
to some great people in the industry and they have convinced
us of the importance of reaching a worldwide market through
retail chains. If Take Command is going to be able to continue
up through Gettysburg, and over the ocean to Waterloo, then
we must make the decisions that will reach the most people in
the shortest amount of time.
you all for your support, by preordering the game and on our
news on this topic and discussion
Screens |
19, 2005
are almost finished the normal resolution unit artwork. This
is the only thing currently holding back our release. We should
have another announcement this week to let everyone know what
is going on behind the scenes at MMG. Take a look at
gallery for the new screens.
Command - 2nd Manassas Screenshots |
27, 2005
some new screenshots from our upcoming game. These are using
the new high resolution units option that will be in the game.
Take a look at
Games Announces Next Title |
4, 2005
Freedom, PA - October 4, 2005 - MadMinute Games, Inc.(TM) announced
today that their next major game release using their highly
acclaimed Take Command engine will be the Take Command: 2nd Manassas.
Take Command: 2nd Manassas (TC2M) is available now for preorder
from NWS-Online.Net, with an estimated ship date of December
Following up their award winning Take Command: Civil War Bull
Run, MadMinute explores this pivotal battle of the Civil War
in 1862. An exciting new feature of TC2M will be carryover in
scenarios or connected battles. New carryover scenarios will
start with the men that survived the previous day's battle.
So your command decisions will not just affect today, they will
affect tomorrow as well and maybe even the day after that. TC2M
will also include 2 other crucial battles of the 2nd Manassas
Campaign: Cedar Mountain and Chantilly.
over twenty scenarios and a new and improved Open Play engine,
MadMinute surpasses their previous success with Civil War Bull
Run. Other important innovations include new uniform types,
expanded cavalry commands, the ability for infantry to "take
cover", a feature that pauses the game and allows you to tour
the map and plan your strategy, and five new historically accurate
US battlefield maps with field crops. There's even an evening
sky that adds to the already life-like terrain.
exciting refinements have been made to the tactical game as
well. Regiments of 1,000 men can now be represented with 100
sprites. The morale, weapons, and line of sight modeling is
more realistic and much improved. Take Command: 2nd Manassas
also includes a completely revamped artillery model that includes
the ever deadly Double-Canister round.
Games, Inc. (TM) also announced that its next planned title,
Take Command: Shiloh is still on target for December 2006. This
monumental effort includes a full campaign map to plan the grand
strategy surrounding the Battle of Shiloh. Take Command: Shiloh
will include three other crucial Western battles of 1862: Pea
Ridge, Corinth, Perryville.
Games, Inc. (TM) is a true "garage game" company. Founded by
two friends with minimal experience in the games industry, they
worked at night and on weekends for three and a half years to
complete Bull Run. Now, joined by a group of volunteer designers
and testers, they've soldiered on to produce MadMinute's second
product, Take Command: 2nd Manassas. The MadMinute community
is growing and the founders hope to someday work on the "Take
Command" series full time. Their combat engine has received
excellent reviews and their AI has been lauded in numerous publications,
even by the ever difficult to please "Grognards."
the MMG website (http://www.madminutegames.com)
Team is: |
11, 2005
a quick update on who is working hard to bring you gaming goodness.
This team is doing a great job and working very hard on the
next version of Take Command. No one can say much about the
next game right now, but once the title is announced next month,
we'll be able to answer a few questions. We want to thank everyone
for all their hard work, for sharing in the dream of bring this
ACW engine to life.
Games, Inc. is
Adam Bryant
Norb Timpko
Mike (Dr. Mike) Dickman
LTC John N. Duquette, USA Retired (aka Wrangler)
Ed "Meagher of the Sword" Mallon
Mike Peyrot
Brett Schulte
Ron "Beagler" Stakelbeck
Jim "6th Vermont" Weaver
Chris Rickwood
(contact info: www.rickwoodmusic.com,
for all music needs)
Action Reports |
10, 2005
AAR's. These are mini novels or short stories that describe
the experiences that players had in battle. They are very cool.
We have a bunch of them, with screenshots, over in our forum.
There's an entire section dedicated to them. They are very cool
to read. It's almost like reading a letter home from a soldier
at the war. Check them out and let the authors know how you
like them.
of Eight Review |
17, 2005
of Eight has posted their review of The History Channel Civil
War The Battle of Bull Run Take Command: 1861. The link is on
the left.
& NWS-Online.net |
15, 2005
Games, Inc. has joined forces with NWS-Online.net
to publish their next game in the highly reviewed Take Command
Series. Current plans have MMG announcing the title and release
date in October 2005. NWS has a very successful online computer
game store where they specialize in war games. NWS has long
been the favorite store for purchasers of CWBR, providing very
reasonable shipping rates and prices.
of Glory is an in game movie created by krispyjc. It's pretty
cool, so we put a link on our mod page. After you watch it,
stop by the forums and let him know what you think. This is
the low res version of the movie, you'll have to ask to find
the high res version.
of Glory |
15, 2005
of Glory is an in game movie created by krispyjc. It's pretty
cool, so we put a link on our mod page. After you watch it,
stop by the forums and let him know what you think. This is
the low res version of the movie, you'll have to ask to find
the high res version.
Games No Longer a "Value" |
10, 2005
Games and Activision Value have amicably parted ways. The Take
Command Series will no longer be published under the Activision
Value label.
Games, Inc. will announce their next title in October 2005.
Console Game! |
14, 2005
is an article on IGN.COM
that states that "Atari Value" is working on porting
"Civil War -- The Battle of Bull Run: Take Command: 1861"
to the PS2 and XBOX. "Activision Value" is listed
as the publisher with MadMinute Games listed as the developer.
This is a completely incorrect article and there is no truth
to it whatsoever. We have no plans to port CWBR to any consoles.
believe that the source of this article is two History Channel
Civil War titles showing up on EBGames, one for the PS2 and
one for the XBOX. Neither of these has anything to do with "Take
Command" or MadMinute Games. MadMinute is the sole owner
of the "Take Command" Series and the engine and any
future games with our Take Command engine will be published under the
name "Take Command" and will be announced here first.
of the next game... The MadMinute Team is hard at work on our
next title. It will be another major American Civil War battle.
There will be a Campaign Mode in the game. If you want to learn
the title of the next game, all you have to do is beat all of
the scenarios in CWBR as shown on the Service Record screen.
If you don't want to do that, just have someone on the forum
PM you the title. We have withheld publicly announcing the title
so that those players that want to try beating the game can
have a chance.
Demo Link |
1, 2005
from NWS Online has provided an excellent server for downloading
the CWBR Demo. It flys and is listed on our downloads page.
MMG would like to thank NWS Online for this link and their continued
support of our efforts. The game is becoming harder to find
in stores these days, but NWS is making sure that it remains
available. They also ship around the globe. So if you haven't
been able to find the game, please contact NWS Online. Their
link is listed on the left and you won't be disappointed in
their service, even if you normally refrain from ordering online.
Magazine Review |
3, 2005
2005 issue of ComputerGames Magazine 4 out of 5 stars.
Review |
2, 2005
has posted their review of CWBR. Read
it here.
- Our Link Removed |
1, 2005
had to remove our own hosting of the demo as we are going to
eat up all of our monthly bandwidth in one day! There are plenty
of mirrors listed below, so please find one that works for you.
note. If you like replaying the demo, and need something to
do while you wait for the game to arrive... The entire demo
map is planted with powerful enemy. Yes, it will mess up the
scripting of the scenario, but if you explore, you will find
lots of enemy to fight.
Demo |
31, 2005
Games, Inc. is proud to announce that we have created a demo
for our exceptionally well reviewed game "Civil War Bull
Run". This demo consists of our first tutorial where we
teach the player the basics of CWBR as they lead a Brigade through
the steps to support their Division. This is the level that
got MadMinute Games nominated as a finalist for the 2004 Independent
Games Festival.
the Demo
Demo |
23, 2005
much consideration, MMG has decided to release a demo of CWBR.
The demo will consist of the first brigade tutorial level only.
We hope to have this available next week.
Patch v1.11 |
patch is done, and has been approved by all the power that be
concerned. Here are some highlights:
1. Support for 1024x768
2. New map for open play
3. BONUS Beauregard Scenario
4. Take Command of all your units for you power hungry commanders
5. See the full list of changes
Value Take
Arms 3D
Gamers FileFront
Item #22 & #38: We did not put in the all brigade double
quick and this was because it is a toggle and got confusing
at times, also we did not have enough room for the current button
and the new button so we left it as is. The modders have already
added this for people that want it anyway.
about mods:
There were some changes in the csv files, so if you have installed
any mods, we recommend that you uninstall them before installing
the patch. They could cause a CTD. Contact the mod author and
get a v1.11 compatible version of the mod.
list for Mod Authors: Download
SDK v1.11
UNITCOMMON.CSV: Inserted column D "CAPT CLASS" - this is the
class to use when this unit is captured. Only works for artillery.
2. FORMATION.CSV: Column G used to called "Use Road", it wasn't
being used. It is now called "Keep Formation". This means that
this formation will not switch into column while moving.
3. UNITS.CSV: No major change here, just a warning. If you have
a column called "Rate of Fire" towards the end, it should not
be there. We've cleaned up our files, modders should clean up
Events.csv |
1, 2005
completed the events.csv file modding section. This should give
modders everything that they need to create their own detailed
I've received some emails about what happened to the reviews.
Adam has sent review copies to every major pc game magazine
out there. He has sent out copies to a ton of websites, etc.
We have no idea why PCGamer was the only major magazine to get
us in so far. Maybe they're the most indie friendly magazine
out there. We don't know, but we're watching.
have a big atta boy to our MMG team for keeping our forums the
best out there. They have made our forums extremely friendly
and have answered all of your questions. It's not easy to respond
to 50+ posts a day, but they do it.
8 is a big day here at MMG. Four years ago May 8th Adam and
I decided to stop talking about making a game and actually put
some money into it. We bought our first 3D engine and started
working and the receipt is May 8th, 2001. We consider that date
the start of MMG.
also want to thank Little Robert for showing me how to properly
do search tags on this page.
Modding |
15, 2005
may actually finish this someday. I absolutely hate documenting
stuff, but since I'm the only one that can look at the code
and verify what stuff does, I'm stuck with this job.
Levels.csv is now done and up in the modding section. That leaves
me 5 more to go. If there's one that you've been waiting for,
let me know in the forums. I've saved the worst for last. Everything
left is a really big job, so if you have a preference on what
I should do next, let me know. Also if this documentation is
useful, let me know too. I haven't read anything about the mod
docs on the forum so I don't know if anyone is using it or not.
So if it's useful, let me know, or if it isn't or if it's too
cryptic, let me know if you get a chance.
with MMG |
5, 2005
going to try another chat and this time we're giving a whole
days notice. It's Wednesday, tomorrow, at 9pm EST. We're gonna
try a different chat room. This won't work in FireFox for me,
I have to use IE, but you don't have to install anything.
More Modding |
3, 2005
we go again, tables.csv is completed.
patch seems to be going well. Having 1024x768 makes a huge difference.
If you haven't seen the game at this resolution, you owe it
to yourself. It's a whole new game. We believe that this will
be the only patch released for the game. We have no plans to
do another one. So unless a huge bug crops up we're going to
start working on the next game. I'm trying to finish the mod
documentation, but it's a huge chore. Everyone else on the team
is looking towards the future and writing down everything that
they want in the next version. So if you see a member of the
team, make sure that they know what you want. Because the list
will be finalized early so that we can make plans and schedules
for the next game.
Modding |
2, 2005
pouring here at the Mason Dixon line, so there's nothing better
to do than write more mod docs. I've completed artyammo.csv,
openobjs.csv, openplay.csv, and objectives.csv.
Mirrors |
1, 2005 - norb
to Shane at Take Arms for hosting the patch. Also thanks to
the guys at 3DGamers for getting it up so quickly.
to Ana at FileFront for providing another mirror.
On a Roll! |
31, 2005 - norb
great review of CWBR has been posted over at the Strategy
from HistWar sends word
that we got a nice review in the French magazine PC4War.
Thanks for keeping us updated. Hopefully we'll get a translation
or at least the article to read. My younger sister spent a year
in France so if someone can scan me the article I can bug her
until she translates it for me.
Mod Section |
28, 2005 - norb
and I completed the modding help section for units.csv. Also
I've gone through all the mod help and believe that I fixed
the cut off problem that was happening in IE.
Review & Bits |
28, 2005 - norb
Games just posted their review
of CWBR. Four out of five stars, not bad. We've been doing
pretty good with the reviews so far. I'm just waiting for
that one that bound to come slamming the game.
testing for the Patch is going well. Activision has been on
top of it, but they want to check everything to make sure
that we didn't screw anything up. I've sent another build
addressing their concerns, hopefully we'll get approval soon.
MMG team is working hard on the next battle in our series.
We brought on some more testers and a new scenario designer
so that we can give you more content in the next game. Right
now we're looking at the core game mechanics that need to
be fixed. It's a long process and we don't want to rush anything.
We are also looking at other 3D engines that we could use,
that's a very short list because the engine has to be very
similar to our current one to even consider it. I doubt that
we'll find anything, but now is the time to look. Basically
we need something that does huge, pretty, 3D terrain and can
handle drawing thousands of sprites (billboards). I also want
an SDK, not a game scripting system, I hate those. Our current
engine can draw the terrain and thousands of sprites very
quickly, but lacks some features that we are looking for,
it also has some bugs that we haven't been able to get around.
But so far it seems to be the best fit for our needs.
& New Team Members |
25, 2005 - norb
got my May 2005 PCGamer in the mail and bam! There we are.
I read the review and it's not bad. It's really nice to get
into a major magazine, especially now that we are in most
major stores. I was trying to get an idea about how our rating
compares to other games. Well the last History Channel ACW
game got a 67, Sid's Antietam got a 75, Shogun TW got an 84,
and Med TW got a 82. So we're in pretty good company.
have recruited some new faces onto the MadMinute Team now
that we're pretty much done the patch and ramping up for the
next game. We'd like to welcome Beagler, mdpeyrot, PrThor,
and Wrangler. Say hi to these guys on the forums, as they
will have a lot of say in what you see next from MMG. They
really have no idea what they just got themselves into...
Today at 3pm EST |
12, 2005 - norb
MMG Team will be in the MadMinute chat room today at 3pm EST.
I know that it's very little notice, but we just finished our
end of the patch and we're pretty happy about it and it's hard
to coordinate everyone's schedule. So with 2 hours notice, we
probably won't get much turnout, which may be better in that we'll
have a great chance to get to know the few people that happen
to click on our site in the next 2 hours.
to the forum, go in the top General Discussion forum, then click
chat room, the top topic, to find out how to get in there. I'll
post some of it here.
We've created a user room at Gamespy named MadMinute
Games. You get there by opening Gamespy (yes, you must have it
installed), and then hitting Ctrl-K to bring up the USER ROOM
interface. Then you click on the search tab and key in "madminute."
GS will search for the room and display the result. You can avoid
going through this hassle again by checking the auto open box.
If there's any interest, Norb and/or Adam may stop over there
for chat. BTW: The password is bullrun. Visitors are advised to
mind their manners. Please PM Ivanmoe if someone is abusing their
Update |
11, 2005 - norb
have completed our work on the patch. We did a ton of work and
have addressed as many issues as we could. At this point we submit
it for testing to Activision. When they give their OK, then we
can post it for you. Adam and I will be away for the next week,
so this works out well for us. I have no idea how long their testing
process is going to take, but hopefully they will be done when
we get back. If all goes well, then we can have it to you by the
end of the month or early next month. We are very excited about
the patch, we feel that it really adds to the gameplay. Modders
will have some minor changes to make in their mods to run with
the patch version. All that is clearly spelled out in the patch
total patch size is about 16MB. I'm not sure if we will be able
to host it ourselves or not. We have only a limited amount of
bandwidth per month, then they shut us down. We will have to see
what happens and where we are in our allotment.
Wargamer Award for Excellence |
09, 2005 - norb
entire MadMinute team is extremely proud to announce that we have
received The Wargamer Award for Excellence. WOW! They've posted
an unbelievable review on their site The
Wargamer. We would like to thank everyone at The Wargamer
for their support. Even before the game was released, when no
one really knew what we were going to turn out, the team at The
Wargamer has been supportive of our effort.
means a lot to the team. To work so hard and then receive a reward
from a site that specializes in wargames is something that we
never thought possible. Thanks to our testers, our artists, our
composer, our families, and all the guys at Activision for believing
in us and giving us this chance.
Site |
04, 2005 - norb
added a link to Bored Mofo to the fan sites section. He's got some
good stuff that sharpens the images.
also have a confirmed test from Chris at PowerRender that the integrated
graphics bug is fixed. I don't have the hardware myself. He explained
something that I was doing wrong in the code and after taking his
suggestion, the problem disappeared on his test hardware.
Site |
04, 2005 - norb
added a link to The Dugout on the links page. Welcome aboard Tim.
He's got some great new units that you can add to the game.
News |
03 , 2005 - norb
are working very hard on getting a patch done, but it may take a
while. We are hoping, with crossed fingers, that the people at PowerRender
can fix the problem that we are having with integrated graphics.
They are willing to look at it, so let's all hope that they can
come up with a solution. Besides waiting on their response, we are
in good shape. We are testing all of the changes. A final change
list will not be released until the patch is final and ready to
you have a fan site, or any other type of site that you would like
listed on our links page, please email me.
are that we are finally in Wal-Mart. That's great news. Hopefully
we'll get some more faces showing up in the forums to add to our
growing community. 7000+ posts since the release, that's awesome.
of Bull Run |
19, 2005 - norb
got a pretty awesome review of the game up gamezone.
Work |
15, 2005 - norb
are currently working on a patch. We have read through all of the
forums and the emails that we have received and are fixing what
we feel is necessary. We obviously cannot do everything requested,
but we are throwing in a few new features that were easy to implement.
Some things we felt were too risky to address in a patch, and those
things will have to wait for the next game. We will release a full
feature list once we are finished.
Modding Sections |
8, 2005 - norb
completed the toolbar.csv and the unitcommon.csv modding sections.
I've also added an explanation of our conditional functions in the
variables reference section. We expect to see some awesome scenarios
from the community. All of this documentation is a pain to write.
We forgot half of it and have to constantly check the code so that
we don't mess you guys up.
Info on Uniform Modding |
7, 2005 - norb
Vermont has posted more info on uniform modding as well as a downloadable
document that will tell you everything that you need to know.
the Duke |
7, 2005 - norb
modding section for weapons.csv is complete.
Formations |
6, 2005 - norb
tried to tackle one of our more complicated csv files, formation.csv.
This file is very powerful and allows you to create your own formations.
Many people complain that we use 3 men in our columns instead of
4. Well now you can stop complaining and go change it yourself.
file is hard to understand, so please read the entire description
before attempting. I spent a lot of time trying to fully explain
it. I needed something to do while waiting for the SuperBowl, in
which I really hope to see the Eagles win their first SuperBowl
ever. I hate how late the game is on the East Coast. I can't even
have a party because the kids have school tomorrow and the game
will be on too late.
Modding Sections |
4, 2005 - norb
following modding sections have been completed: gamesounds.csv,
mainsounds.csv, unitsprite.csv, effects.csv, names.csv, variables
reference, and tooltext.csv .
Fan Site |
4, 2005 - norb
a new section on the links page for fan sites. These are where you
want to go to get mods, as we will not be hosting them here. Thanks
to Brett for being the first to give us a hand with handling this
part of the community.
Out |
4, 2005 - norb
been out this week. Took a little vacation. If you emailed me or
wrote to me on the forum, I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
Sorry for any inconvience this may have caused.
messed up |
28, 2005 - norb
lot of people have been talking about the cannon sounds. We even
had a poster today that said they were too loud. Our musician, Chris
Rickwood, said they were horribly distorted and he had to replace
them on his game, due to his fine ear getting damaged. Adam has
been wondering for a while what's going on, his sounds were fine
and not distorted at all. Well... it seems that someone on the core
MMG team that's not Adam, went messing with the sounds on his computer
because he wanted louder sounds. And this person, had some program
to turn up the wave files, but he hasn't a clue about sound and
turned them up way too much. Well this person, the not Adam half
of the core MMG team, also makes the installs and ended up shipping
his super charged cannon sounds rather than the ones the the sound
effect designer, Adam, made.
apologize and they will be in a patch. We hope to have a very minor
patch done next month. This would only address very specific or
small issues. The main reason for our rush is the one real bug in
that the fail grade of the Open Play cannot remain -25. It's ridiculous,
sorry we didn't have more time to test. The game was never meant
to be a race for a waypoint in order to get enough points to have
a battle. We will have some other small, meaning very quick to code
and test, fixes. The only way to get this to you this quick is to
keep it small. It must go through ours and Activisions testing before
we can release it.
everyone for the great feedback. Keep it coming, we love it. We
can't wait until this thing hits the major stores. We're really
dying to know how it's going to do with mainstream America. The
box looks good and the price is right, so hopefully we'll catch
some impulse buyers as they walk by. We have been assured that it's
going to be in all major stores that carry computer software sometime
during February. This is no one big release, it will hit different
stores at different times. So if you see it somewhere that hasn't
been mentioned before, drop by the forums and let us know.
WarGamer has a great preview posted |
28, 2005 - norb
out this link to the WarGamer.
They have posted a preview of the game. Thanks for supporting us
Mod Section is up |
27, 2005 - norb
finished the map_name.csv definition. Although you can't create
maps, you can modify the ones that we provide. I've also put a list
of all of the commands that can be used in toolbars, events, and
menus, as a start to the command reference document.
Mod Section is up |
26, 2005 - norb
next in a long list of mod sections is completed. I figured that
this is one of the first things that people were going to try, so
I thought it important that it get done in the beginning.
Mod Section is up |
24, 2005 - norb
starting out small. I've done the main ini file and it's in the
modding section.
The "order of things" and the "map layout" articles
are also complete.
Finally Been Acknowledged |
24, 2005 - norb
a long time and lots of complaining on our boards, our publisher
Activision Value has finally acknowledged the existence of their
prodigal son MMG.
You've all known about it for some time but it's nice to see us
finally up on their site.
me say, now that it's public, that they were great to work with.
Everyone has been coming down on them on our boards for their lack
of attention, but we haven't said much because we really liked working
with them. They were actually more fair in their contract negotiation
then almost all of the internet only publishers that we talked to.
One internet publisher wouldn't even negotiate at all. They said
here's the deal take it or leave it. We left it. MMG don't play
that way.
to Activision Value for taking a chance on us.
Modding Section |
23, 2005 - norb
gotten such a great response from the first people who've played
the game. I know this is the honeymoon, but we're going to enjoy
it before it's over. Thanks for all of the great comments. The best
thing is that the game is pretty solid, people are starting to find
a few minor bugs. Mostly with the AI, but it's the first time we've
done anything like this, so we're pretty proud that it's stood up
as well as it has.
added a new modding section on the left. It has a ton of place holders
for the content that I need to write, a few things are filled in
and I will keep on it until it's all full. I've also added a support
page with some of the solutions and problems that we've encountered
on the forums.
playing. I want to know who the first person is to finish the game.
There's a hint as to what the next game will be if you finish.
Tutorial |
20, 2005 - norb
just can't keep a good scenario designer down. While Adam and I
are getting some rest, Jim (6thVermont) has been hard at work trying
to teach everyone how to create scenarios and he's finished his
first tutorial. It's a great way to introduce you to our scenario
design process. I've added a new page for downloads and you'll find
it there. If you have questions, he's always on the forums, so just
is so much to cover in explaining our design that I'm sure that
there's some stuff missing. We didn't have time to document stuff,
but it's a great start. I don't think any of us can remember everything
that goes into creating a scenario. But we'll all continue to update
any information that we give you so hopefully someday it will actually
all be documented.
seems that the first copies of the games are finally showing up
in stores. Call first, but for those of you not willing or able
to order online, you should be able to pick it up this weekend.
Out! |
18, 2005 - norb
finally starting to get the game. It hasn't showed up in any stores
yet that we know of. It should show up in WalMart soon, hopefully
sometime this week. That is one of the main reasons that we decided
on going with our particular publisher. This way we can reach the
masses who are not familiar with our game type.
far sales seem to be pretty good. We really have no official data,
but we've been at the top of the EBGames bestseller list for 2 days
and broke the top 300 at the Amazon site. We consider that a major
accomplishment given our situation.
reviews have been pretty good. We won't really know until people
play the game more, but it's great to hear that so many initial
impressions are positive. If you are still not sure if you want
to purchase the game please check out our forums. The customers
that have played are there and are answering questions so that you
can get an unbiased opinion of the game. Of course we think that
the game is good, but nothing is better than when other people get
only major problem so far has been that people don't really know
how much ram their video cards have. You really need 64MB to play
the game. Sometimes it works with 32MB, but we put 64MB as the lowest
specs because that always works. If you check out our Tech Support
forum, 6thVermont wrote a small tutorial showing you how to tell.
to everyone for believing in us. It is your enthusiasm that kept
us going during the hard times.
expect an announcement from the publisher sometime this or next
Released? |
12, 2005 - norb
the official release date was the 11th, I do not know of one person
that was able to get the game yesterday. I believe that date is
the day the game got shipped up to the resellers. I think that next
week is a more relistic time to expect to see the game showing up.
I was told 3-5 days after release the game would be available. I
was also told 1-2 weeks before a formal announcement would be made
by the publisher. They like to coincide with the product be available
for purchase.
be patient, if you want the game you will be able to get it probably
next week. This is the first time we've done this, so we really
didn't know what to expect. I've also posted some new links on the
left of where you can purchase the game online. There's even one
in Sweden, thanks to the guys on the forums for pointing this out.
the Day!! |
10, 2005 - norb
it's almost here. The game is to be released tomorrow. I can't wait
to get a copy. Thanks for everyone's support. We really hope that
you like the game. Make sure to stop by the forums and let us know
what you think.
might not be in all stores by tomorrow, but it should be everywhere
by the end of the month. Call your local store before you head out.
My local store said they wouldn't have it until the 12th.
with Adam |
4, 2005 - norb
out the interview with Adam over at Xperience
Gaming. Thanks to Jiaqi for the interview.
Demo? |
29, 2004 - norb
are getting bombarded with questions about whether or not we are
releasing a demo version of the game. First we were always planning
on doing one (that was about a year ago), then we got some good
advice to not release anything until the game was feature complete.
That just happened the beginning of December. Of course we didn't
update our site, because we forgot, we just breathed a big sigh
of relief because we actually finished. Then someone asked on the
forums and I said no, because we don't have any current plans to
do one. The game will be out very soon, and if you don't want to
purchase it without trying it first, just try a friends or wait
for some reviews to come out. Nothing wrong with being a cautious
consumer. It would require some design and coding to do a demo right
now and frankly we are burned out. So Adam and I talked and here's
our official tag line.
have no current plans to release a demo, but we are not ruling it
out yet. If we did do a demo, it would not be until well after the
game is released.
has always been up front with accurate information about our game.
We don't shy away from the tough questions, no matter how much we
get flamed on the boards for it. Sorry for not updating the game
info and faq sooner. Adam just updated it the other night, so everything
should be accurate as of right now.
- the system specs in our FAQ are correct, if you see different
ones somewhere else that don't match the ones on our site, then
they are wrong. We tested the game, we know what it will run on
(at least fairly decently), and we put those specs in our FAQ.
is no, nor will there be any type of multiplayer support in Civil
War Bull Run. We plan on adding multiplayer support to the engine
at a later date. It was just not feasible at this time. One coder
and one designer can't do everything at once. We used to think that
we could, but the past 3 years has taught us differently.
still have no idea when the game will be for sale in other countries
besides the US. We were told that it would happen, but they had
no dates yet.
still can neither confirm nor deny that the publisher listed as
the publisher of Civil War Bull Run is our actual publisher. Because
we are not allowed to admit it until they do. I don't think that
we've slipped up yet. Kind of hard when everyone can know except
for us.
think that's all the tough questions that we've been getting. Thanks
to everyone for going to our own boards, we really can't wait until
you can play the game.
War Bull Run Goes Gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
23, 2004 - norb
did it! It's all over. It started March 2001 and just ended. The
publisher has accepted our final build and we are absolutely finished.
What a great feeling! We need to thank some people that worked very
hard to make this happen.
Artists: Stephen & Tiffanny Varga
These guys came aboard very late in the process. We lost our previous
artist and had to replace EVERYTHING. They did an amazing job finishing
this thing up. They put in the long hours, the late nights, they
were awesome.
guys want to make game trailers or any type of in game movie. If
you've seen our trailer and like their work, send them an email.
It's listed on the credits page. They work hard, their work is excellent
and they are very professional.
Rod (Ivanmoe) Moore
Jim (6th Vermont) Weaver
Mike (DrMike1997) Dickman
Ray (Lava) Rivers
guys are the real reason that we made our dates. They had the game
so clear of bugs by the time that the publisher got it, that there
was really nothing for them to do except for correct spelling errors.
There were a few minor things that were found, but there were no
show stoppers and it's all due to the fact that our testers worked
their butts off for the past 3 months cleaning this thing up. They
were all great to work with and extremely talented at finding a
narrowing down the situations where bugs occurr. A true blessing
for any programmer. Thanks guys.
Interview |
22, 2004 - norb
an interview with the team on The
Wargamer. Thanks to Chris Abele for showing an interest and
continuing to support our effort.
Site |
17, 2004 - norb
see some changes on the web site as we experiment with different
looks. Thanks for your patience.
Pre-Order |
15, 2004 - norb
to all the folks that posted links to pre-order sites. So all of
the people that asked me about pre-orders... I've posted the links
to the left. I'll post them as I get them.
Forum |
14, 2004 - norb
the game getting close to being released, we figured that it was
time to get off of EZBoard. So we have a new phpBB. It's a bummer
losing all the content, but we can't keep putting it off and it's
best to be in complete control of our boards. So go to the link
on the left, the link to the old board is still there and will stay
there for some time.
we still can't confirm who the publisher is, there are a couple
of links on our forums where you can go and preorder the game. Kind
of silly, but that's the way it goes.
just want to give a huge shout out to our testers, they are listed
on the credits page. The publisher has not been able to find any
significant bugs. Well, there was one that I introduced right before
we shipped the beta, but that's not their fault. Other than that
we get text changes, minor feature requests, etc. Nothing significant.
This can be directly contributed to our amazing test team cleaning
this thing up and finding everything before we ever shipped. There
is no way that we could have made these dates without them.
status is that we are sailing through the Publisher's testing, but
it's not over yet, but we're very close.
read some items on the forum from people that are worried about
the quality of the game now that they have seen what the preorder
pages determine is the publisher. They basically are just publishing
the game, they have some comments and some requests, but they basically
got the game as is. This is the game that we were going to ship
with or without a publisher. Adam and myself and the entire team
are committed to bringing this game to life and whether we have
or do not have a publisher makes little difference. These are our
games, they are created the way that we want. We will continue to
use this engine that we have developed and we own whether we have
a publisher or not. We work a little differently than other development
shops, to us a publisher is a luxury, not a necessity.
X |
9, 2004 - norb
Games, Inc. is very happy to announce that we have signed a deal
with a major publisher. Problem is that we can't tell you who it
is. We have been told that until they announce it in a press
release, we can't say who they are. So the mystery publisher will
have to remain just that, a mystery. No one on our team will neither
confirm nor deny the identity of "Publisher X". They are
big, they are well known. They will get our game shelf space in
major retailers throughout the US. They changed the name of the
game to "Civil War Bull Run". I guess someone took a poll
and not enough US high school graduates knew what happened in 1861.
Even though the name is now Bull Run, it's still just 1st Bull Run.
We explained that to them, but the heads on high just stuck with
Bull Run, so there it stays.
not sure when it's going to get to the rest of the world. I certainly
wouldn't want to wait. And if I lived in one country and wanted
something only available in another country, and I had access to
ebay and someone in the other country did too.... Not that I'm suggesting
game price will be under $30, probably around $20. Yes you read
that right. This "Publisher Currently Known As X" likes
to do volume over price. The have lots of games in major retailers
throughout the US. The game will also have another logo on it, I'm
pretty sure that a well know entity "Entity X" will have
their label on our game as well. Having this secret "Entity
X",s logo on the cover will make the game more familiar to
many and hopefully we'll get a lot of non wargamers picking this
thing up from the electronics section of major retailers. (Retailer
here's a little mystery for you to work out until the game hits
store shelves near you in early January 2005. Still not sure of
the exact date. I thought that I knew the date, then the Producer
(Producer X) at Publisher X thought he knew a different date and
they aren't the same dates, so I'm not saying. But both of our dates
agree on January, and in the first half.
Publisher X has been great to work with. They gave us a very fair
deal and we're very happy with it. It's nice to know that there's
a publisher out there that will take a chance on a very small team.
Even if no one on the team works on the game full time, well actually
we probably do put in our 40+ hours a week, just all at night. (1
designer + 1 coder) * 3 years + 2 artists + 4 testers == team, but
only if everyone works really hard and takes responsibility for
their share of the game.
now we are in beta. We will deliver the final version before the
end of the month. Then we are finally done this thing. No time to
celebrate now, we're in beta and I get a bug report every morning
as their testers try to break our game. It's holding up fairly well
so far.
you read through all of this, thanks, here's your reward. Three
new arty screens in the gallery.
Artillery |
2, 2004 - norb
the first time ever. We can finally show you some close up of our
artillery. We've had artillery in for a while, but it's been stub
art up until last night.

start with some limbered guns on the move.
New Screen |
22, 2004 - norb
gave this to me a while ago to post, but I just haven't gotten around
to it.

note: I made a big mistake in posting the hard disk requirements
previously. We did not have all the artwork in the game yet. We
also took all of our maps and created low res versions of them for
slower machines. The disk space requirement right now is almost
800MB. I know it's huge and I was as surprised as anyone when I
saw it. I don't expect it to get much bigger, but there is a little
art that's still not in the game. Hard drive space is inexpensive
so hopefully this won't upset anyone's plans too much.
a great Thanksgiving.
Update |
1, 2004 - norb
written anything in a while, so it's time for an update. We are
getting very close. We are in the final stages of finishing this
thing. It will probably be available in early January (more details
on that to follow).
play is finished. All of the units are finished. We are currently
working on the scenarios. Lots of play testing. Most of the artwork
is in the game. The maps are completed. We just have a lot of little
things to do, but all of the major coding is completed. We are working
very hard to make sure that this game is great. It's hard with such
a small team, but it's also easier in some ways. No bureaucracy.
All the testers have direct access to people that fix things. So
we move very fast.
far as system requirements go... We have been able to get this thing
running on lower end machines (P3) by boosting RAM and video cards.
We have low res versions of the maps that seem to run ok on these
platforms. So if you don't want to buy a new box, go to your local
computer store and get a new video card. You can get something decent
for less than $100. I picked up a decent PCI 128MB card for $70
at CompUSA. It was their own brand with an NVidia chip. Also
get as much RAM as you can, in the video card and in the machine.
I would try to get at least 512MB, although our system requirements
are less if you have a faster CPU, but if you have an old box this
will greatly help. We require DX9, so make sure that you have the
latest version. It will be on the CD, but you can get it now from
Microsoft. You'll new around 500MB hard drive space to be safe,
it will probably be less but I haven't deleted all the old stuff
yet. We'll have a couple of tweak settings so you can get this thing
you want to see everything (every fence), get a P4. I currently
run on a P4 3 gig chip, ATI 9800 Pro, 1 Gig RAM. It runs great on
this, but that's to be expected.
Fighters |
15, 2004 - ivanmoe
am referring to Ubisoft's flight sim, a creation of designer of
Oleg Maddox.
The darn thing has been ripped off, and is being downloaded off
the internet before it has even shipped. Apparently, an Ubi employee
stole a copy and uploaded it. To say that this is a disaster for
Oleg is a understatement beyond all qualification. As a fan and
active player of the game, one of only a few that I enjoy, its a
blow to me as well, because I know that this will likely undermine
his royalties, and his ability to generate quality programs in the
said, I hope that we someday see a practice among developers and
publishers whereby software has to be "patched" before it can be
used, using some kind of purchase authentication that will knock
this B.S. off, hopefully forever. Barring that, given broadbands
ability to swiftly download even the largest programs off of the
internet, I'm afraid this whole industry is toast, at least the
PC gaming component.
and disgusted.
Movie for Melee and Charge |
8, 2004 - norb
and charge have been a hot topic on our forums, so we thought that
we would give you a movie so that you can see for yourself. This
movie is much larger than the previous ones, but it shows you what
we've got.
Check out the movies link to the left.
Plans |
5, 2004 - norb
was just contacted by 3D Gamers and they did not know that we were
first releasing the First Bull Run as a product. I guess that we've
discussed it
on the forums, but have not made any formal announcements.
the entire Civil War became more than our small team could handle.
We've been developing this engine for over 3 years and really wanted
to get something out. Our original plans had been an elaborate $60
game, basically our dream game. We realized that we were shooting
too high for our first release, and decided to tone it down to something
more manageable. So our first release is going to be just the 1st
Bull Run battle. There's going to be plenty of other stuff in there
to take up all of your time. But as far as historical battles go,
we are just doing the 1st Bull Run at a lower price point than we
originally planned. Not sure what it will be yet. We want to get
you our engine so that you can finally see what we've been talking
about. We will still be developing the our dream game, but we want
to get something out there to the loyal fans that have been emailing
us over the last year.
are a very small team and were reaching too high for our first release.
We still plan on releasing this winter, not sure on an exact date
yet. We are very close and did not want to make everyone wait another
1 or 2 years for a product. We want to make sure that whatever we
release is a top quality product, so that's what we have been focusing
and Charge |
5, 2004 - norb
melee and charge animations are in and we have the screenshots to
prove it. Take a look in the gallery and see what great work the
artists are doing.
is all coded up, now we're working on cavalry. That's the last major
unit to code. We're using mostly the infantry AI, with a few minor
Screenshot |
24, 2004 - norb
a new screenshot in the gallery. Recently the artists got the officer
dying animation finished. So here's a sample of what a dead Union
officer looks like in the field.
with the Testers |
22, 2004 - norb
currently have 3 great testers that have been working with us for
several months now. They are on the forum
and you can ask them about the game. Hopefully they'll have good
things to say :) We just figured that it might be nice to get some
other opinions about what we're doing here at MadMinute.
6th Vermont
and we really
don't know where we'd be without them. So
when you buy the game and you see something that you don't like,
please blame these guys and not us :)
Capturing |
21, 2004 - norb
have our first version with the Artillery Capturing in the code.
It's pretty cool. Adam has designed a great set of rules and there
in the game and a lot of fun. Our testers will now be pounding away
at it to make sure that it's solid.
been doing some benchmarks and it looks like you really need at
least 512 RAM to run this thing. One of our testers has been running
with 256 for a while, but with the latest detailed maps, it really
slowed down. Yes, it's playable, but it's not good. We do have some
options, and will have more, that will decrease some aspects of
the game in order to boost performance.
from HistWar.Com corrected
me in my last email. It seems that a French magazine Vae Victis
had an item about Take Command about a year ago. My bad, no one
let us know, not that any of us speak French, but it's great to
see some mentions in a printed publication.
the art scene, we have all the infantry and generals in the game.
You've seen the new toolbar in our screenshots. Now we have to come
up with something for artillery. After that it's screens as we begin
our run to the endzone.
Screens |
16, 2004 - norb
added a few new screens to the gallery. We wanted to show what some
of our reports and informational screens look like. We keep a ton
of stats and we just have to add the screens to show them off. They're
not all filled in, but it's a glimpse of what's to come.
also heard from our forum that we got a mention in the Oct. 2004
PC Gamer - UK Edition. That's our first magazine mention as far
as I know. It's pretty cool.
now we're doing some scenario work as well as adding the code to
capture artillery.

Game Movies |
9, 2004 - norb
the NFL opened it's new season, so we thought that we'd put something
up to celebrate. Adam and I are big football fans, him being of
the Rams variety and myself being of the Eagles type.
new screenshots started a little buzz around the net. I found them
everywhere. That's great news, sometimes we feel like only our little
group is focused on this game. We're wrong, there are a lot of people
watching what we do and wishing us luck. Thanks everyone!
created a few new in game movies, they are short and small, just
a taste of where we are. Listen for the artillery, we don't have
the art done yet, but you can definately hear it. For everyone that's
familiar with 1st Bull Run we've provided a small tour of the notable
locations. The quality of the movies is not great, but the payoff
is that they are small to download and we were able to post 4 at
once. You'll find all this under the movies link on the left.
and myself have been working very hard over the summer and we are
getting close to having all of the features in. Hopefully we can
be feature complete sometime in November. Then we have a ton of
testing and tweaking to do, many scenarios to design, and screens
to finish. We are still on track for this winter, exactly when we
don't know. Big kudos out to those that are helping us. Our artists
have been working very hard to replace the old stub art. They have
done an amazing job as we have been able to provide these movies
that have only the new artwork in them. We would also like to thank
our test team. We have 3 guys that are there every night with us,
testing the game and giving us the player's perspective. They are
the middle men, they understand what we can do and what our limits
are, but they are also the player's advocates, being veterans of
this type of gaming, they know what you want, what you'll accept,
and what you won't.
a side note, I just finished reading all three Shaara books, so
I finally know how this battle ends :)
Been A While... |
5, 2004 - norb
don't you worry, we're still working hard. We've added a bunch of
new screens on the galleries page. As far as progress goes, we've
added a ton of new features to the game and are still working hard
to make sure that it plays well. You can now capture infantry and
kill their officers, good fun! When an officer is killed, a replacement
will come up, but they won't be as skilled as the one they replaced.
The artillery is now working great, we'll try to get some movies
up soon. They add so much to the game, hearing the cannons fire,
seeing the air bursts and canister hits takes you right into the
heat of the action. We even got the guys marching across the Stone
Bridge at 1st Bull Run. Take a look at the shots, we've recreated
over 5 square miles of the battlefield. Adam has outdone himself,
he has every fence line, field type, and house researched from the
actual Library of Congress maps. If you know the location, you'll
recognize the maps.
14, 2004 - norb
a note to let you know that we're still here. We are working very
hard to get this thing done. We have a couple of excellent testers
working with us that are really making this job easier. Currently
we are working on the Artillery AI, we've got some in for the sections
and now we have to make sure that the AI places the batteries in
logical locations. We have different ammo types, with different
effects and properties for each of them. It's going very well and
we feel confident that we'll have something to sell this winter.
I've also updated the FAQ a little bit, just some of the stuff that
we've been saying on the forums.
Art |
25, 2004 - norb
a small glimpse at the new Union General. Our art team is working
hard at getting the final art in the game. They do not disappoint!
Message Board Link |
5, 2004 - norb
link to the message board has changed. It took us by surprise as
well. The link to the left is now accurate.
Art - New Screens |
6, 2004 - norb
a little late, but we finally have a couple of new screenshots.
Take a look at the new toolbar, trees, and soldiers. The new toolbar
is awesome! It's nice to get some color back on the site. There
is much more to come. Our artists are working very hard to get the
right look for the game. We only have one soldier for each side
done so far, but there will be more.

also added a link to a Southern Heritage Site that contacted us.
If you're into news from Dixie or just interested in the Southerner
of today, check them out.
Update |
22, 2004 - norb
a quick update to let you all know that we're still here. We are
currently working on artillery. We have the first draft in the game,
but we still have a lot of work to do with effects and the different
ammo types. Of course the AI demo is still lurking around the corner.
We are making decent progress. It makes such a difference in the
game to hear the artillery booming in the background. Nothing like
seeing an airburst right over your regiment either.
Design |
15, 2004 - norb
redone the site with something a little more pleasing to the eye.
Forgive us for the massive changes. We are currently in the process
of replacing all of the previous stub or filler art with the final
artwork. It's coming along well and as soon as we get a chance we'll
post up some of the new screenshots.
forget to file your taxes.
Site Down |
13, 2004 - norb
are currently undergoing a complete redesign of all the art for
the site and in the game. Please be patient while we go through
this transition. This ugly temporary site is my creation while we
make this transition.
use this for a little while, just because it looks a little better.
Mirror |
30, 2004 - norb
to Shane at www.takearms.com
for adding another mirror for the TC1861 content. Hopefully
with all the mirrors that we have, everyone can find one that works
for them best. Be sure to check out the Take Arms site, it's
a great Civil War resource site with links to some other great sites
that are out there.
Developers Conference |
28, 2004 - norb
and myself returned from the GDC Saturday evening. We had
a great time and met a ton of people. Two of the judges of
the festival came up to us during the conference to let us know
how much they liked our game. That was very inspiring.
We also had two players sit down and play the game for over 3 hours!
Now that was very encouraging. We did not win any awards,
but I do not feel like we deserved to win. Every other game
there was finished and right now TC1861 lacks the level of polish
that you find in a finished game. We did get approached by
many publishers and we will be following up with them this week.
We are getting close to the end, but we still have a ton of work
to do until we can say that we are done.
We also attended
a couple of classes on developer/publisher relations, so hopefully
we'll be ready to have those conversations. I also got to
here John Carmack speak, which was a highlight for me because Doom
really was the reason that I got into game programming in the first
If you haven't
checked out the finalists I suggest that you head over to the IGF
site, because there really were some amazing games there.
We had a bunch of talks with the guys from Slitherine (their link
is on our links page). These guys were great and gave us a
ton of advice on being an independent developer. There game
was amazing too, they won the Art Award and it had to be for the
awesome rendered campaign map that they have in their game, not
to mention a host of other screens that are just beautiful.
There are new
mirrors on the downloads page for the trailer in case you haven't
been able to take a look at it yet.
22, 2004 - norb
here at MadMinute Games like to keep our promises. So as we
said, the trailer is up right before we go, and I do mean right
before, we leave for San Jose tomorrow at 7pm. Big thanks
to Matt from The
Rifle Pit for putting this thing up, it's 50MB and we have no
way to host that here. This thing is awesome too. It's
well worth the download. It has NO in game footage, it's a
complete cinematic rendered by some friends of ours in exchange
for a plug.
The fact that
the trailer did get done has absolutely nothing to do with us.
We didn't do one thing for the trailer. Well, actually, I
did have to add a last minute sound track using the artists laptop
with the artist on the phone, I've never done that before.
So somehow we
were lucky enough to be approached by an art team that wanted to
do a cinematic for us. At the same time we were approached
by a musician that wanted to do a score for TC1861. We now
have music on the opening screen and we also have a score to put
in the end game when that get done.
Go to the downloads
link on the left to see a list of mirrors.
Here's where
all the credit goes:
Tan & Stephen Varga
Created the entire trailer themselves. If you like what you
see please contact me and I will get you in touch with them.
Chris Rickwood
Created the entire score for the trailer (even turned a new one
around in 24 hours when we saw that the length didn't fit the final
movie). If you like his music and you know you do, check out
Thank you Tiffany,
Stephen, and Chris for making this happen,
Out Your Dead |
23, 2004 - norb
actually have all the code in for the infantry army AI, meaning
that all of the infantry AI code is in! Now for the testing,
actually we test it all along, or rather Adam does, but we've got
to make sure it works well before we move on to artillery.
We've also had
a response to the number of dead that we show. I personally
like to see things bloody if they are bloody. The cost can
get pretty high though. Basically our current model is 1 sprite
per 10 men. So at first we were dropping 2 dead for every
sprite, which looks good eventually, but doesn't give enough horror
at the beginning of the battle. So we tried dropping 3 dead
per 10 men, which works very well, but can drop the frame rate significantly
even on a good computer. So we'll just have to put in some
options in the final version, because if you have a high end system,
you'll want to see this. Here some shots of the first Army
vs. Army battle casualties.
& Trailer |
18, 2004 - norb
just want to give a big plug to Chris Rickwood of Rickwood
Music. He has been working on a score for TC1861 as well
as music for our Trailer. It's unbelievable! The awesome
duo of Stephen & Tiffanny are working very hard to have the
trailer done before the GDC and Chris is already working on adding
music. So we hope to debut the movie here right before we
leave. Now this is not in game, it's a trailer that's supposed
to get you excited about the game and it works, at least for me.
I can't wait to play it.
69th |
12, 2004 - norb
our message board we asked what people most wanted to see in a movie.
The response was unanimous for some up close battle shots.
So we took two brigades and brought them into range and demonstrated
some of the battle techniques. We charged when we probably
should not have, but you do get a good look at fighting in TC1861.
The link to the mirror is on the downloads page.
2, 2004 - norb
Civil War Museum Yesterday I took my family up to see the National
Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA. I highly recommend the trip
if you're in the area. They don't have the quantities of artifacts
like Gettysburg, but what they do have is very impressive. They
don't allow photos though, so you'll have to take my word. They
have Lee's riding gauntlets, some of Jackson's personal items that
he carried with him, to name a few. We also have a new mirror, thanks
to Magpie at www.strategyinformer.com for giving us some space.
Great Superbowl yesterday, it's always fun to watch a good game.
Too bad my Eagles weren't there, but the best teams made it.
31, 2004 - norb
Mirror Thanks go out to Gene Dilsen at www.edbis.com for providing
another mirror for our movies. This is from Switzerland, so it should
be pretty fast for any Eastern Hemisphere war gamers.
29, 2004 - norb
Movie is Posted I've added a new link to the left, it's for a downloads
page that will give you access to anything big that we post. We're
going to try and get some movies out every once in a while, just
so that every knows that we're not just blowing smoke. These are
in game, non scripted movies. We just play and when we see something
we like we record. The tool I bought "Fraps" does a halfway decent
job of not slowing down the game too much while it's running. It
does get a little bit choppy but overall we're very happy with the
quality. Then I convert it to wmv format which ends up a little
blurry, but it's definitely viewable. That take the 100mb clips
and shrinks them to 7mb. Big thanks to Matt Morelli at the Rifle
Pit for providing our first mirror. I will only be able to ever
have one movie posted at this site, and if too many people download
from here I'm going to cap my bandwidth, but I thought I'd give
it a try. So you can now download from either site.
28, 2004 - norb
Eye Candy & Something Else To See Here's another round of screens
from the Antietam map. The Corps strategic AI is finally starting
to work itself out. Been a little slow this month, I had to get
Baseball out for opening day. But we do finally see the light for
the strategic AI. There's been a couple questions on the board about
exactly what features will be in the first release of our game.
We really wish we knew. We know that we have some ideal stuff on
our information page and we truly hope that we can foot that bill.
But right now we just want to get something out that's good. So
we'd rather cut features than do them half way. So when we know,
you'll know. But whatever we release, we promise it will be awesome.
We're going to try posting our first in game movie to our site.
I got the size down to around 7MB. The quality isn't bad and the
tool that I'm using doesn't jerk the drawing too much. Not as good
as live, but good enough for you to get a first glimpse at what
we're doing. We'll only ever have one video on the site at a time
and may move them to off our site, but this will have to do for
now until we get all the details worked out. Here's the link, you
have to download the zip. It works in Windows Media Player 9, it
may work in others, but I'm sure it works there. Sunken Road: Preparing
for the Union Assault The Irish Brigade Gives it a Shot More Irish
Brigade Sunken Road Bend (Pre-Tower) More Sunken Road
31, 2003 - norb
kept... barely We have the promised screenshots. Adam has been working
on an Antietam map and it's time to show it off. We hit a snafu,
since the engine that we're using rotates the map weird so that
when you're looking out it outside of the program north is not up.
Really a mixture of different coordinate systems, but we got it
fixed. He worked very hard to get it done so that we could get our
promised screenshots up. Hope that everyone had a great holiday.
Miller's Cornfield & Smoketown Rd. West Woods & Smoketown Rd. Haggerstown
Pike & Miller's Cornfield (looking towards West Woods) Hood's Texans
(west of the West Woods) In game battlefield map
17, 2003 - norb
IGF FINALIST We made the top ten in the IGF, which means that we
are finalists. We will now be competing for the top prize at the
Game Developers Conference next March in San Jose. We also now get
to put this cool logo on our site. Adam really wanted to post some
new screenshots of the historical maps that he is making. But just
our luck his computer died on the way over so now we got to order
new parts and wait for them. But stayed tuned, we will have a bunch
of new screenshots up on this site before the end of the year. We
25, 2003 - norb
AI More AI Now that we're pretty happy with the infantry battle
AI, we're working on the tactical AI. This allows the random scenarios
that everyone loves. So we randomly seed the maps with objectives
and then who knows what the AI will do. We're trying to keep things
random and at the same time making sure that the decisions that
the AI makes, will make sense. We know everyone wants updates, but
we're trying to make sure that we answer the forum questions in
a timely manner. We really took on a lot here and we're trying to
get one part done to completion. So please be patient, we won't
release anything until we're happy with it.
31, 2003 - norb
On Track I took a long hiatus here, but now we're getting back to
work. Actually I'm getting back, Adam has been working hard on maps
these past months. I've got a new job and just had to get in the
new groove. I code at home full time now. So during the day I work
for someone else, take a break, eat dinner, and then work at night
on Take Command. Not a bad life. We pretty much have the Division
AI done. We have some tweaks to do with how they use reserves, but
we're getting close. The AI gets simpler as you go up the chain
of command. We assign specific responsibilities to each level. It
seems to be working well. But we'll keep you updated as we have
news. Congrats to Adam and Russell (and family) as they have both
had baby boys during this hiatus!
27, 2003 - norb
Did It Wow, that was one of the hardest things that I've ever done.
I've had 4-6 hours of sleep every night for the past month. But
we did it. The team came together and created our first demo. So
far this is not a public demo. We actually don't have anywhere to
post a public demo anyway. But this was created for the Independent
Games Festival in San Jose. We had to submit before the 1st of September,
the we find out if we made the top 10 on December 12. If we make
the top 10 we have to go to the Game Developer's Conference in San
Jose next March where they pick a winner. No matter what happens,
we really accomplished alot. All of the features that will be in
the final game are not in the demo. But the demo itself is feature
complete. Meaning that you can play it and nothing will seem missing.
We had a few testers that ran it through for us and they had some
great suggestions and found some tricky bugs. Thanks guys. So now
we just wait and move on, but first we're going to take a much deserved
5, 2003 - norb
Journal Here I am once again apologizing for not letting you guys
know what's up with the game. We've been working so hard that we
just forget that we're trying to grow a community and to keep that
community alive we have to let you guys in on what's up. Well here
it is. We are trying to get a playable level done by September 1st.
We'll let you in on the details later, but that's what we've been
working on. We came up with a small scenario design that acts like
a tutorial mode to introduce people to the game. We have taken into
consideration some of the comments that we received on our last
test and decided that if we were going to show this to people we
really can't just throw them into a battle with 6 corps and 11,000
infantry sprites. You kind of get a little lost in the battle. It
demos great with someone familiar with the game, but if you're not
you can get easily lost. So we came up with a small scenario where
you're a Brigade Commander and we walk you through the game. One
of the hardest things in developing with no dates or milestones
is knowing when somethings done and knowing when to cut features
that can wait until a later release. So we set this milestone for
ourselves, hoping to create something to really show people and
it's helped out a lot. We found a crash that was happening on some
XP machines and have worked it out. We've added a button that immediately
brings you back to your guy, just in case you're out sightseeing
and get lost. We've worked on a lot of screen support. That's a
pain to do from scratch. Just for your information, I ran the game
on an XP P3 600 with 256 MB ram and a bottom of the line Gforce
4 card, and it ran, but it ran real slow. I doubt it could handle
our corps test (that's what we call our big scenario). I did run
the corps test on a P3 1000 with 512 MB ram and a top of the line
Gforce 2 card and it ran good. It did hiccup in a few places but
that's a lot of regiments to be running AI for. But I would definately
call it playable. I guess the lesson learned is that processor speed
and memory are more important for this game than video card. Not
that video card doesn't count, it's just not as important. The game
also requires DirectX 8.1.
1, 2003 - norb
Journal Sorry for the lack of updates. But that does not mean that
we haven't been working very hard to get this thing done. Yes, there
is still a ton of work to do before it's ready for prime time, but
we've also done a ton of work as well. All of our time has been
working on the AI. We've also all have vacations and family to attend
to this summer, so hopefully we'll meet our goals and still find
time for real life. We now have a small list of what's left to accomplish
to finish up the AI to the division level. It's a small list and
everything is working pretty much the way we want it to. We just
put in the rally code as well as the ammo wagon code and it looks
very cool. I was trying to find some freeware to create a short
video of some features, but all of the tools I found ran very choppy.
My video camera does not accept input in any way that my computer
can give it, but if I come up with something I'd really like to
post a short video. People have been emailing about a beta test,
right now we haven't decided when/if that will happen. We really
just want to focus on getting this thing feature complete. Then
we'll think about a beta test.
30, 2003 - russell
New Screenshots have been added to the Gallery section and of course
some In-Game animations of the Generals at the top of this page.
11, 2003 - norb
Journal The Brigade AI is finally done. That was a huge task, but
we finally busted through. Now we're looking towards Divisions.
We have a ton of ideas, but we have to see what works. Adam is working
on a map with some mountains, as was asked for on the forum. We'll
try to get a screenshot of that up soon. We also figured out a few
things that really speed up the game, not that it was running slow,
but it may lower the minimum requirements. When we get some time
to test on some older machines we'll let you know if anything has
changed. Happy Mother's Day to any Mom's out there, or to your own
Mom or wife that puts up with us playing or working on games all
of the time.
25, 2003 - norb
Journal The three of us got together last weekend and worked out
a ton of problems that we've been having with the art. This is a
very quirky engine, but you get what you pay for, in some ways it's
been great, but the documentation is very lite and there is little
to no support or error return codes. We did finally get a ton of
work done. We got the game installed on the artist's machine (Russell)
and showed him how things work. Up until this point he has just
been giving us art and hadn't really seen the game run. So he got
a new box and he's up and running. We do have a few very minor problems
on his ATI 7500 video card. It looks great, but there are a few
pixels that are just messed up and we couldn't figure out why. Now
time to go back to the AI and the orders, AI is a bitch to code
and it was great to take a break. We did our first pass and then
tested it for about a week, now we're putting in the changes that
we discussed, then it will go back to testing. After we have the
AI working correctly with their orders we will have them respond
to objectives.
14, 2003 - norb
Bayonets Sorry it took so long to get this latest screenshot. Melee
is something that we really spent some time getting right, it's
just not what we've been focusing our time on now. Currently we
are putting in all the orders and making sure that the AI makes
sense and is challenging. Basically the AI will use orders all the
time, but as the human player you can either micromanage your troops
or just give orders to your commanders. Of course you can't always
know how your commanders will interpret your orders... Adam spent
many nights convincing me to code all this, his Ghandi type approach
finally worked and I have to admit that it's pretty cool. I've updated
the FAQ to include the 3 modes of gameplay that we discussed on
the forums.
30, 2003 - adam
Yell Here's a new screenshot to wet your appetites. We've spent
a ton of time making sure the charge and melee look and act appropriately.
Here's the charge, stay tuned for the melee.
23, 2003 - norb
Journal We have finally gotten the brigade/regiment battle AI to
our liking. It's actually pretty hard to beat depending on what
level of AI you have for your side. If you do all of the wheeling
and movement yourself, it's tough to keep up. Now we are working
on brigade orders. Russell just got some Union horses animated and
they look awesome. For those curious about our interface, we are
going with a first person shooter model, one of my favorite types
of games. WSAD for move forward, backward, slide left, and slide
right, also accessed by moving your cursor to the screen edge. Also
we will have full mouse look while holding the right mouse button
down. I find this interface to be the easiest while navigating a
3D world. I've also updated our contact page so you can know who
we are on the forums.
18, 2003 - norb
Message Board We have switched to ezboard because I just found out
that our current board starts deleting messages once you hit 300.
Here's the link to the old board if you want to read what's been
said. We were also asked on the forum how high can you go in the
game. We'll that's probably going to depend on some setting, but
if you don't have any of them on... :)
17, 2003 - norb
Foreign Article Stevo from Montenegro have posted an article about
MadMinute Games on his site. You can't read it but it's pretty exciting
to see where we're reaching. Take a look, you have to scroll down
a bit, but you can recognize the screenshot. http://www.warp.cg.yu
15, 2003 - norb
and Game Features Updated Due to the great response on our boards,
we have taken some of the more frequent questions and added them
to our FAQ. Also we have added another feature to our game description.
We've moved the FAQ to the news link on the left. We will get the
art changed soon. The news will now only be available on the home
page, accessed by clicking on the logo in the upper left hand corner.
14, 2003 - norb
for the Great Response All of here at MadMinute Games really appreciate
all of the comments that have been posted on our forum. Actually
we're just amazed at the response. Right now we are working on the
AI. We are very dedicated to getting this game out to the people
that love these types of games. We even got our first article thanks
to Chris "Pie4Foo" Abele, thanks Chris. Take a read here.
12, 2003
Added to the Game Info Page This site was created for your feedback.
Since we are working on a Garage Game (game being developed without
outside funding), we are interested in hearing the viewer?s opinion
about such a venture. Your interests will most likely fuel and speedup
the development of such a project.
3, 2003
of Mad Minute Games Website We are pleased to present to you our
website. Screenshots have been added to the Gallery and a Forum
has been started. Welcome to Mad Minute Games website. This site
was created in efforts to show the public the "Take Command - The
Civil War" PC game currently being developed. We have posted screenshots
and a brief description about "Take Command - The Civil War" to
see the response we may get. If you are interested in this type
of game or in garage games (game being developed without outside
funding) being developed we'd love to hear from you in our Forum.
We welcome all positive and constructive feedback! Thank You, Mad
Minute Games