Games is our dream of making our own games. Some time ago two guys
got together and decided that instead of watching TV at night we
were going to write our own computer game. So we've been spending
our nights and our weekends/vacations/holidays, writing what we
like to call the War3D engine and our first game "Take Command 1861
- 1st Bull Run".
all starts with our Designer who is a big war gamer, he had some
very innovative ideas, but where ever he tried to shop them he was
told that war games were dead. Dead, maybe? Maybe for a large publisher
or development house, but maybe not too dead for a small group who
just want to have some fun. So he found the other ingredients and
added his own sound, game, and level design skills, along with his
love for history and got the ball rolling.
far as programming goes, the best that we could get is someone who
knew very little about games. So we bought him an inexpensive 3D
engine and locked him in a room until he could come up with something
halfway decent. He's not doing too bad a job, maybe we'll let him
out someday. Of course we couldn't get everything, this guy had
no idea about war games. He plays first person shooters and RPG's.
we took these two guys that have nothing in common except their
love for computer gaming and formed a team. Their goal to innovate
war games. Everyone has their own idea of what would make a great
game, so we took the best from all worlds and mixed them together.
What we ended up with was an amazing 3D regimental based combat
engine. Yeah, we have a few tricks that we're not going to let out
of the bag at this point, we can't give everything away. But I'll
tell you this, by 3D, we mean 3D, not top down angled weird view,
no camera locking. You can go anywhere, look anywhere, basically
play general to your entire army and try to keep them alive while
we do our best to code a non-cheating AI to kick your butt.