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Each map has it's own csv file that defines the map. Just like all other csv files, this can be overriden. You just create a maps directory under you scenario folder and place the map_name.csv file there. You replace 'map_name' with the name of the map. All maps have two versions, one high res and one low. The low versions have all 3D objects removed unless they are historically significant. For examples just look in the SDK folder on your CDRom and then in the maps directory.

The map csv file is based on the grayscale map the comes with every map. The grayscale map is just a bit map with a value between 0-255 for each pixel. The maps are 2048x2048 pixels. The map designer creates the grayscale and then takes all of the values that they used and puts them in the map csv file to define them. It is a good idea to seperate the values by at least 5 because we put some oops code in to fix the values as the grayscale is loaded in. If you can be perfect, you don't have to worry about this. Since you can easily modify the grayscale and the csv files, you can redefine the maps that shipped with the game. You can move forests, although the terrain image will not move, you can redefine defensive bonuses and movement speeds across different terrain types. You can rename terrain. This does not give the freedom of a map editor, but it's a start.

The map_name.csv file is broken into four pieces. The first is the map definition, basically defining all of the colors used in the grayscale. The second is the ambient sounds. To do an ambient sound we just place a terrain sprite at a specific location and attach a sound file to it. Since this file is broken into two pieces, there can't be any blank lines in either table. When the first blank line is found, the engine assumes that the next table has started. The next piece is the list of possible objective sites, with the last piece being the start locations.

Column Explanation
A: Terrain This is the name that will show up in the toolbar when a unit is on this grayscale value. It will be filled in the $terrain variable.
B: Grayscale This is the value between 0-255 that this line pertains to.
C: Move Rate This value is added to the formation movement rate modifier and then multiplied by the base movement rate of the unit to provide their current in game movement rate.
D: Density This defines how to fill in this grayscale value with terrain sprites. All of our terrain features are filled in dynamically during level load. The lower this number is, the more dense the foliage will be filled in, the higher number will be less dense. Basically you can think of this as a random number. Every time a grayscale of this color is found, the computer will pick a number between 1 and this number on how many pixels to skip before it places another terrain sprite.
E: Visibility This is the distance in yards that you can see through this terrain type. For example we have woods at 40. That means that you can see 40 yards into the woods. Any units more than 40 yards away would not be visible.
F: Def Bonus This is the defensive bonus that this terrain gives to units on this terrain type. An entire unit is defined as being on the terrain as the flag bearer. This is because it would be crazy to calculate seperately for every man. It would just use up too much cpu time. The defensive bonus is a random number between 1 and 100. If that random number is more than this def bonus number, a hit is made. If it is equal to or less than, the target is missed. So the greater the number here, the higher the defensive bonus. A value of 0 is no bonus.
G: Fatigue Every so many ticks (defined in tables.csv), a fatigue check is made. When that check is made, if the unit is marching, they will lose this many fatigue points. The point system is defined in levels.csv. If the unit is running, the fatigue penalty is taken from tables.csv. These are negative numbers and are added to the fatigue value. If you want a unit to get rested while marching over certain terrain, you could put a positive number in here.
H: Can't Halt This defines those terrain types that units are not allowed to stop on. A value of 1 means that units cannot stop on this terrain. We use this for rivers and streams. A value of 0 means that stopping is allowed.
I-J:Sprite1-6 If the density value is filled in, then these are the types of sprites that the level loader will use to fill in the terrain. You can have up to 6 different types to add some variety. These names come from the sprites.csv file.
K: Draw Distance This value is in yards and defines how close the camera has to be to this location to draw this sprite. If you leave this blank the engine will handle this for you. I don't believe we use this in any of our csv files, but the code is still there if you wanted to use it.

Sound Table

Column Explanation
A: loc X This is the X coordinate of the sprite location.
B: loc Y This is the Y coordinate of the sprite location
C: dir X This is the X value of the direction unit vector.
D: dir Y This is the Y value of the direction unit vector.
E: Sprite This is the sprite name from the sprites.csv file.
F: Sound File This is the terrain sound to play at this sprite location. This is how we do the ambient terrain sounds. This sound will be constantly played at this location. This sound is from the gamesounds.csv file.
G: Terrain This column is used for reference only and is not read in by the game.

Objectives Table
When this map is used for OpenPlay, the game will randomly choose between these locations for it's objective sites. Try to place them at crossroads and in open fields, never in the woods.

Column Explanation
A: ID Names This is the name that will be displayed for this objective
B: X This is the X coordinate of the objective site.
C: Y This is the Y coordinate of the objective site.

Start Locations Table
When this map is used for OpenPlay, the game will randomly choose between these locations for it's starting positions. You need to create them around the 8 points of the compass and sometimes in the center of the map. The game will randomly choose them.

Column Explanation
A: location This is the compass point that this location represents. Valid values are (N,NW,W,SW,S,SE,E,NE,C), you can have more than 1 for a specific point. Try to fill in as many compass points as possible.
B: X This is the X coordinate of the objective site.
C: Y This is the Y coordinate of the objective site.