are a ton of variables that are filled in based on the currently
selected unit. The entire variable list is below. I will fill
in the explanation in the near future. These variables are used
on the toolbars and the in game screens.
are used in conditions for many screens and toolbars. A condition
is a function that is either true or false. For example each toolbar
graphic has a show condition column. In this column you can place
a condition which will be evaluated when drawing the toolbar.
If this statement evaluates to true, then the graphic is drawn,
if it evaluates to false, then the graphic is not drawn. The following
is the list of valid condition operators with examples. Note that
all conditions use the # symbol before the variable name.
This means that we need to use the variable as a number. We do
not support strings in our conditions.
#visible == 1 |
This is a basic equality operator. If the variable
on the left is equal to the value on the right, then this
condition will be true, otherwise it will be false. |
#leaderbonus != 0 |
This is a basic inequaltiy operator. If the
variable on the left is not equal to the value on the right,
then this condition will be true. otherwise it will be false. |
#moralelvl < 5 |
This is a basic less than operator. If the variable
on the left is less than the value on the right, then this
condition will be true. otherwise it will be false. This can
also be combined with an equal = symbol for less than or equal. |
#ammoman > 57 |
This is a basic greater than operator. If the
variable on the left is greater than the value on the right,
then this condition will be true. otherwise it will be false.
This can also be combined with an equal = symbol for greater
than or equal. |
1 <= #ordernum <= 2 |
This is how we combine symbols for a range.
It's the same as doing 2 of the above operators in one line.
In this case #ordernum must be greater than or equal to 1
AND #ordernum must be less than or equal to 2 for this statement
to be true. |
Command |
Explanation |
terrain | |
name | |
name2 | |
name3 | |
men | |
quality | |
morale | |
fatigue | |
weather | |
timer | |
grade | |
disposition | |
orders | |
moralecur | |
moralemin | |
moralemax | |
fatiguecur | |
fatiguemin | |
fatiguemax | |
mencur | |
menstart | |
mencas | |
attached | |
rallying | |
leaderbonus | |
unitbonus | |
visible | |
defbonus | |
ammo | |
ammostr | |
ammostart | |
ammoman | |
ammospr | |
status | |
moralelvl | |
fatiguelvl | |
targets | |
blocked | |
casstart | |
weapon | |
weapon2 | |
weaponmax | |
weaponopt | |
mendead | |
enemydead | |
obj1 | |
obj2 | |
obj3 | |
objdone1 | |
objdone2 | |
objdone3 | |
flankfire | |
elevbonus | |
resting | |
skill%dcur | |
skill%dmax | |
expcur | |
expmax | |
leadcur | |
leadmax | |
abilcur | |
abilmax | |
loycur | |
loymax | |
initcur | |
initmax | |
takecomm | |
ordernum | |
formnum | |
regstate | |
useroads | |
artyammo | |
artyfire | |
artylimber | |
limcur | |
limmax | |
artyammo1 | |
artyammo2 | |
artyammo3 | |
artyammo4 | |
mounted | |
objtimer | |
officer | |
artyminrange%d | |
artymaxrange%d | |
rank | |
sellead1 | |
sellead2 | |
sellead3 | |
sellead4 | |
unittype | |
caskilled | |
caswound | |
casdesert | |
mencaparty | |
reloadsec | |